News View the world a different way
Looking out of the same window day in, day out can make even the most spectacular views become a little tedious. The frame of your window is one of restriction and compromise, seeing 2ft x 3ft of the world one blink at a time.
Time-lapse photography breaks through the confines of our eyes, our bodies and our memories. A split-second can be transformed into a beautiful piece of history, from a previously unseen point of view.
Capturing the moment
Blink – and it is gone. The world does not stand still for long. In an ever-changing, developing world, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the improvements made cannot be captured with simple techniques.
This type of photography is the only way to record the series of changes that go on every day and then store them indefinitely. We have worked for a number of clients across long periods of time, taking individual pictures at set intervals. Each one is a glimpse at a single piece of history, otherwise lost forever.
No two projects, or buildings, are the same. But from start to finish it is possible to see the progress of excavation, foundation and building. Or even demolition. Whether a project takes days, months or years, the whole time it is being recorded. It becomes not only a construction project, but also pays homage to today’s notable buildings and architecture.
A new view
Baring small differences in height, as humans we tend to only see the world from one point of view. We are down at street level most of the time, perhaps only getting a little excited by a view when half-way up a glass-fronted lift on the way into work. Even those making their living working at heights are banished to the confines of their immediate area.
Ultra HD cameras set free the way we view the places we know best. Tree canopies and church spires become the photographer, holding a camera for days, months and years, and capturing every moment. From this uninhabited and previously undiscovered vantage point, a whole new world is opened.
A building site suddenly becomes a playground for development. Site managers are no longer confined to ground-up views or difficult vantage points on-site, thanks to innovative strategies for producing the best quality results.
Finding the right vantage point opens up the whole building process. Every corner of a construction site can be captured from the perfect angle. And that in itself is an eye-opener to views we may have never seen before – and may never see again. Just take Andy Spain’s construction site pictures as a prime example.
The history
As previously alluded to, today’s world is never standing still. As a result not only do we see buildings go up, but inevitably ones have to come down.
A building’s final moments are captured forever thanks to time-lapse photography and documentation of both processes is best achieved through this. Squeezing down real-time pictures into an informative representation of construction and demolition is something of an art form.
The perfect angle, coupled with huge amounts of images, is a useful tool for site management, but also for reference in the future. We learn from what has been done in the past – and time-lapse photography is the most innovative way to capture our history.