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News Time-lapse videos from the last week you don’t want to miss

23 August 2018 Daniel Curtis

Every so often we like to do a roundup of time-lapse content from other creators across the Internet. Here are some of our favourite videos from the past seven days.

We begin our roundup with the famous Bristol International Balloon Fiesta, which took place recently. This is Europe’s largest meeting of hot air balloons, attracting over 130 of the floating aircraft from across the globe.

Ross Wilson’s time-lapse compilation of this exciting event uses interesting framing to uniquely record the fiesta.

The view provided by the camera situates the balloons as the main feature, with the acceleration provided by the time-lapse complimenting the smooth bobbing movements of these impressive aerial vehicles. The video also blends various Bristol landmarks, such as the Clifton Suspension Bridge, with footage which helps to communicate the level of community gathering surrounding the event.

The ‘lapsing’ element of this photographic mode means that time-lapse is an effective tool to capture and render changes over time, whether this is balloons floating about in the sky or something completely different.

Progress is something that time-lapse observes particularly well; photographs captured at regular intervals focused on a subject which changes within a particular timeframe is shown in a fraction of the time it took place in reality.

The same can be said of particular processes. As this time-lapse video shows, several hours of mathematical equation is recorded and watched back at speed. Time-lapse therefore allows a different perspective on how you work, regardless of what that work may be.

As well as human behaviour, the lives of plants are also somewhat of a quintessential subject for time-lapse photography. Existing on an entirely different life cycle to our own, plants and flowers evolve at a pace too slow to easily discern.

This time-lapse video uses stop motion (a different technique but comparable to time-lapse), to show the growth of Red Day Lillies opening.

Other recent events which have benefited from time-lapse capture is the total lunar eclipse on 27th July, 2018 – the longest Lunar eclipse of the century.

Capturing lunar magic is something that we have touched on before, as such events continue to hold the public fascination with the help of time-lapse photography.

Tracking lunar movement can be tricky but with technologies rapidly developing all the time, you can prepare yourself for the capture of such events.

Finally, we end our roundup with another celestial spectacular. Only some may be lucky enough to experience the clear and crisp skies that are shown in this video but with time-lapse it is made both comprehensible and accessible.

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Time-Lapse Systems are a part of Hideaway Media Ltd (est. 2007). World leader in the provision of bespoke time-lapse capture and site monitoring solutions. UK and Worldwide.