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News How time-lapse photography can enhance your brand

1 March 2017 Daniel Curtis

All companies have their own individual identity and must maintain this through their visual output. Time-lapse photography is the ideal tool for such purposes, with multiple uses and the ability to transcend various genres of business.

The importance of staying ‘on-brand’ is becoming a familiar part of business rhetoric no matter what sector you are working in.

Simplifying your brand in to one clear and communicable message, bringing into line all previous and current marketing material, is a vital objective for any company in a competitive industry.

A tailored service

Creating this message and making it marketable requires attention to detail and a visible consistency between your product and how this is represented in your advertising efforts.

Time-lapse solutions provided by a professional service are unrivalled in terms of the image quality that they can produce. Whether capturing an interior or exterior job – construction builds, indoor events, office fit-outs, or infrastructural developments – time-lapse camera systems are customised and operate according to the specific requirements of the surrounding environment.

In previous blogs we have explored the benefits of a professional, tailored time-lapse service in more detail.

As a visual medium, time-lapse can also be combined with other video and film techniques, and can work to isolate those key details that affirm your businesses’ abilities and thus your brand.

Video marketing with your individual stamp

Professional time-lapse providers ensure that they are capturing what you require by tailoring camera settings, assuming full management of the system for the full duration of the work, and moulding the finished post-produced sequence to reflect your vision.

To provide consistency with other marketing materials – video campaigns, print media, and personalised social media platforms – individual ‘stamps’ such as brand logos, project names, dates, and other information can be incorporated with visual sequences.

This works incredibly well for companies who wish to show who they are and what they do. This time-lapse video, for example, documents three months in the life of Southampton Freight Services and their busy day-to-day operation. Slides including information about the company are interwoven with segments of video and time-lapse to build a detailed narrative.

Time-lapse can also be an invaluable tool to help companies establish new brands and/ or attractions.

The new Postal Museum in central London works as a case in point. Due to open their doors to the public later this year, the museum commissioned time-lapse and video solutions to capture key underground developments.

Documenting the arrival of purpose-built trains on to the subterranean rail networks, ready to carry passengers as part of the Mail Rail experience, the time-lapse video helps to boost awareness for the Museum on the run up to its opening.

Further, the video contains essential logos and other visual elements in order to establish their brand in these preliminary stages of development.

Speaking to a wider audience

Staying on-brand also involves building a positive reputation, communicating your message through an image that speaks to your customers without them necessarily contacting your directly.

Consistency in how you market your product across platforms is key to this transparency. Your message must be clear and concise to demonstrate that you are dependable and reliable.

Developing an online presence is vital towards this initiative. The visual appeal of time-lapse lends itself well to web-based platforms as it offers interactive content that can be engaged with easily by multiple users simultaneously.

Building your own online platform with unique content broadens your potential client base. In a highly-commoditised market, where it is often futile to compete on price or service alone, time-lapse can help you showcase what makes you stand out.

Time-lapse also blends well with other visual mediums and is increasingly utilised in creative, commercial projects in television and film.

For those in more artistic sectors of business, time-lapse offers an extension of any creative processes showcased visually, sometimes becoming intricately intertwined so that the technique itself becomes at one with the art that it captures.

When incorporated on sites with high volumes of text, time-lapse videos can enhance the aesthetics of the page and add an immersive depth to a particular narrative.

Building online communities

Social media platforms are a requisite element of online marketing. Multimedia as standard, time-lapse videos can easily be incorporated into the online frameworks of sites such as Twitter and Facebook – providing visual, bitesize content about your brand that can easily be shared on a global scale.

Quality is priority, especially as popular social media sites attract high volumes of traffic, which can make it hard to stand out. A professionally edited time-lapse sequence can add flare and style to your work, as shown by this impressive video documenting ‘A Year in the Life’ of prestigious event venue, the Royal Albert Hall.

Such quality content is also timeless inasmuch as it is timely. Time-lapse videos hold a permanent visual record that can be used indefinitely as part of various marketing strategies.


Time-lapse – immersive, interactive and truly timeless – generates content that is memorable, unique, and aesthetically impressive. As such, it is the ideal tool to enhance your brand.

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Time-Lapse Systems are a part of Hideaway Media Ltd (est. 2007). World leader in the provision of bespoke time-lapse capture and site monitoring solutions. UK and Worldwide.